lunes, 2 de junio de 2014


Una noche fría y desolada por las calles de un desconocido pueblo caminada a paso lento, suave y deprimido una tímida y triste joven llama Alice. Alice llevaba horas caminando, sin rumbo fijo, cuando repentinamente un recuerdo nubloso y vago vino a su mente, su familia.

 Por unos minutos todo se torno cálido y agradable, las calles comenzaron a poblarse, bellos cantares de pajaritos comenzaron a oírse y rápidamente el rostro de Alice se tornó  alegre, radiante y vivaz.

 Siguiendo aquel camino sin rumbo, Alice decide ir en busca de  su familia y volver con aquello que tan bien la hace sentir. Algo desconcertada y confundida se pregunta a si misma cómo llegar hasta ellos, y decide tomar de regreso el mismo camino que hasta entonces había caminado.

 Al comenzar su camino de regreso la esperanza de encontrarse con los suyos la mantenía feliz y dichosa, pues sabia que la esperaba un buen por venir y un bien estar junto a ellos. Por cada paso que Alice daba un pajarito la acompañaba y cantaba, comenzaba a sentirse cada vez más emocionada y ansiosa.

 Durante el trayecto de regreso, Alice quedaba maravillada con lo hermosas y coloridas que eran las casas y parques del lugar.. Cuando extraña y repentinamente Una pequeña y discreta casa cercada por una opaca muralla de cemento que apenas dejaba ver aquella pequeña casa cubierta por unos grandes y viejos arboles secos llamó su atención. 

Alice decidida a encontrar su familia, no se detiene y continua caminando. Al transcurrir un par de horas ya casi llegando al inicio de aquel camino que había recorrido, Alice comenzó a notar que las casas  perdían sus colores, los arboles perdían sus hojas, los pajaritos se iban quedando atrás, el canto de ellos comenzó a apagarse y el frío volvía a apoderarse de las calles de aquel pueblito desconocido.

 El tiempo pasaba, la noche caía, cada vez la caminata se hacía más exhausta y  agotadora y Alice aún no encontraba  a su familia. El frío y la neblina de la noche apenas dejaban ver  unos metros de distancia, algo asustada y con mucho frío Alice decide pasar la noche en alguna de las casas que había visto durante el camino. Para su sorpresa, cuando golpeó las primeras casas, ninguna respondió. Alice seguía intentando pero ninguna abrió.
 El frío parecía calar sus huesos, sus piernas temblorosas apenas podían avanzar, sus manos blancas y heladas parecían congelarse y sus labios cada vez se ponía más morados. Tras un par de horas de afligido caminar  e inservible intento por entrar a alguna de las casas para encontrar abrigo y pasar la noche, Alice cae débil y frágil al piso. 

A la mañana siguiente, un radiante sol alumbraba el pueblo, el cantar de los pajaritos en combinación con la belleza de los arboles se oía por doquier y  los niños jugaban y corría por las calles y parques del pueblo. 

Al transcurrir el día, la gente se percata de  un cuerpo pequeño y delgado, frágil y débil  tendido en la solera de una antigua y abandonada casa, cercada por una opaca muralla de cemento que apenas se dejaba ver cubierta por unos secos y grandes arboles viejos. Era Alice, aquella joven de triste y tímida expresión quien había buscado sin éxito alguno su anhelada familia la noche anterior, en un arranque de locura por pelear con su ellos escapo de su hogar dos días atrás y en una fría y mortal noche, su cuerpo no resistió aquellas  bajas temperaturas, las mismas que la sumieron en un profundo sueño para siempre en la eternidad de las calles heladas y frías de aquel pueblo.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


I like to do things at night bacause I feel more comfortable,more relaxed. I work after university, so I'm a little be  busy during the morning and afternoon, and the only time that I have to do or make my things is at night. On the other hand, I don't liketo do things in te mornings,justbecause I'm not use to do it. Since I was a child, a little girl I have always stdied at night, watched t.v, put some make up, play or do my hair, do my nails, etc. And although night it's the only time when I clean my room. As I wrote before I'm a night person, I don't spend to much time during the day.


 First of all, this was the first paragraph I did in class, through the paragraph I realized how many mistakes I committed to write one. In this paragraph I could realized how much I needed to learn how to write well one.



The best sister of all is my sister, Javiera Ramos, she has 17 years old. Usually she is not a friendly person at all, she is nice with someone only when she wants. She likes to share with her friends, but she prefers to spend some time with her boyfriend. She scared much big animals, especially big dogs, but generally she loves animals, in fact she is very sentimental about it, she cries when sees an animal suffering, but if we talk about family she is very serious with us, she doesn’t like to lie and hates when someone of the family do that. She is a fair and honest woman, I can trust and count with her for everything. She is my sister and I wouldn’t change her for anything in the whole world.


Physically my sister is easy to distinguish; she has unique characteristics and traits that make her different from the rest. Starting with his long, brown and wavy hair that brings out her light brown eyes, large eyelash that are very arched skyward, a nose proportional and small lips, she has some freckles on her cheeks, she has a long neck and his arms and legs are quite long, she is very tall in fact. Her skin is tanned, shiny and soft, her hands are soft too and a little bit big, At first sighed you can realize that she is someone that you can  easily remember for her appearance and  physical characteristics.


When I wrote these texts I learned to differentiate a physical description of a psychological description, I learned that to describe a person, the best way is to separate the physical from the psychological caracteristics and ideas, so you can get a much more optimal result.




Real estate E.N.A.P. brings to you to today a beautiful house model Sun Prairie. 2 floors with basement included. Garage, 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms. Living room, dining room and citchen all connected in a single room, storage room near of the kitchen, laundry room all nice distributed in the 2 floors of the house, oh, I also should mention the including of a really big personal garden. 
All the rooms have windows at their sides for make the sunlight penetrate in the house and filling it with the daylight. Pay attention to the nicely done floors of the house, with a special distribution of carpets and floors made of wood. All this makes the ambient feels really cozy, perfect for families and especially for children.
This house is ubicated in the suburbs, but not for that detail you would believe all is far away of you. The shops and commodities, like supermarkets, Malls, schools  even go to the downtown it takes no time from your house here in the suburbs all thanks to highway that connects with the city, and if any of you doesn’t have a vehicle, no problem!, public transport even makes routes until here, so the distance should be not a problem to anyone.

Still not convinced? Come to talk with us in person. We have headquarters around all the country and employees ready for ask all your questions. Come to Real estate E.N.A.P. Come to home

Garden: It’s a large area of land around the house that has grass, on the bottom of grass you can find small stones that made a path that leads you to the house, also you can plant flowers, fruit,vegetable, etc, usually with a lawn. The garden can incorporate natural product or artificial made by  man-made materials, as suggestive idea, you can build or decorate your garden with goblins, flower pots, design  a relaxing environment  for making good reading and interesting conversation, or make it appropriate for children and  their played.

Sitting Room: A semi room used for resting and receiving people. There is a wide white room divided into two sides, the right side of the room has two little windows that are separated from each other and have brown short curtains over it. In the middle of both windows there are two rectangle-shaped pictures with flowers that are in vertical way. Down these pair of pictures there is situated a white sofa with four cushions over it: two burgundy and two dotted. In both sides next to the sofa there are two medium brown round tables with lamps on it and some portraits. In front of the sofa there is a brown rectangle table with black porcelain ve-ls that are on it

Bathroom: It is a square place used as a bathroom, where the principal furniture is a round, white bathtub, actually a jacuzzi. The walls are painted grey combined with light brown and have a nice painting of flowers, also you can use other types of paintings to make you feel more comfortable and happy if you want.The wall that is in the background  has a window  made of opaque glass that can be used for ventilation and clarity in a summer or spring season, in the other wall  there is a type of grip  to put  towels but in other cases can be used to put  clothes and that sort of things too. The grip has a towel that is white with a red tape. Around the bath in one corner of it, it is a  floral arrangement to decorate the bathroom in general and in the other corner  there are a few of naturals and minerals products made to take a relaxing bath. Within the same bathroom in front of the jacuzzi there is a sink, supported by a dark, brown and hard wood, the sink has two options: hot and cold water. Over the sink there is a large mirror from wall to  wall, which reflects the electric light throughout the bathroom in general, giving a warm atmosphere. In the other side of the bathroom, beside the  jacuzzi is located a shower with sliding windows  that give an elegant touch to the bathroom.

The Main  Bedroom: This room is one of the biggest  in the house, making it comfortable, the walls have two colors, light peach making it relaxing and deep red making it romantic. At the beginning of the room it`s a brown piece of furniture with five drawers and ten white handlebars for stuff, at the top of the furniture it’s a red lamp combining with the colours of the walls. In the middle of the light peach wall is a passage  and  two others little rooms, both are wardrobes that one can be  for the wife and the other for the husband. In the deep red wall is a window with a beautiful view. The bed is a king bed very comfortable  and is resistant because is made of wood, the blanket is floral with cheerful colours like  red, white, green, and yellow, the pillows are of the same color except one that is red making combination with the atmosphere of the room. Next to the bed is other window, equal to the other mentioned before, making illuminated it. If we keep moving in the bedroom we can see a brown couch with a red pillow with white details, you can use it for read a book, made some calls, or just rest. The last furniture is bigger and you can store bed clothing, at the back is a big and beautiful mirror. We can find at  the end of the corridor a beautiful and comfortable bathroom with a jacuzzi for a relaxing and romantic night.

Kitchen: This is a cozy kitchen, very well equipped, full of appliances, cupboards and cabinets. At the right it’s a large cupboard made of wood and a grey, marble kitchen countertop. Over of it, we can see some jars and bottles that you can use it for condiments, there is also a big and useful sink.  At the back  we can see a grey stove, and over of it, is a microwave surrounded by many cabinets made of light brown wood that are spread throughout the room, so you will not have problems for keeping your stuff. At the left corner it’s a white door that takes you to a small room, in which you can keep more grocery, and at the left of it, there are more cabinets, and a cupboard. The cupboard has some drawers with some decorations over of it, like a red vase, a flower pot, etc. There is also a big, grey refrigerator with two doors.  Finally, in the center of the room, we can see an island with two drawers and two doors of the same color of all the other cupboards of the room, over the countertop of the island it’s a plate with little stones decorating it. So even when is a small kitchen is well equipped for cook anything you like, and also to spend a good time cooking.

 Kitchen dining room: It is a small and a comfortable room in which you can see a large table
made of wood. On the table there are some table mats, two candelabra and in the middle one flower arrangement to beautify the place. Around of the table there are six chairs made of wood too. Next to the table, there is a window with a small curtain. At the back you can see a big, green plant. In the other side of the wall there is a picture with four different colors. Between the plant and the picture, there is a cupboard made of wood and in the doors there are glasses. In general, walls are white in this room, you can see it side to side, but at the back there is a red wall and those colors make a perfect match.

Children Bedroom: There are two comfortable bedrooms for kids on the second floor. The first one is a baby boy bedroom with a white door and two-colored painted walls which are white and deep red, and a large window with a short curtain. When you enter the room you can see a wardrobe at the right. In front of the wardrobe there’s a one-size bed with red and green pillows, a toy stuff and a multi-coloured bedspread covering the bed. The bed is surrounded by many toys such a red plastic ball, boxes, etc. Next to the bed there’s a night table with a lamp and a toy. At the left side of the room there’s a white door, where you can save your clothes and different stuffs. On the walls, just behind the bed, you can see a large portrait with a big dinosaur painted on it and the name of the person who lives here next to it. Next to the window, there’s a bag hanging from the wall and a dinosaur plushie. There's a carpet on the floor so the person who lives here can walk barefoot inside the room.
Finally, as you can see, this is a quiet and comfortable room where your kid can enjoy and be happy here.

The second one is a girl bedroom. This room is a bit bigger than the first one and has orange-

painted walls, two large windows with short and green curtains and carpeted floor. When you enter the room, you can see a big desk with many writing materials at the left, a red lamp and a large mural on the wall with many pieces of paper. Next to the desk, there's a white wardrobe with a big green box on it and a portrait behind. On the right side and in the center of the room, there's a big bed with floral-printed bedspread and green sheet. There are red and blue pillows and a small pillow with them, and a toy on the bed. At the both sides of the bed, you can see two white night tables with lamps of the same color and two little pictures. Behind the bed, there's another picture with flowers on it. 

Finally, there are objects and a bag hanging on the wall next to the bed, and many stuff on the floor, such a bag and skates. As you can see, it's a comfortable place where your daughter can relax and enjoy her time in the room.

This work helped me a lot. At first I was a bit confused about how to describe the entire house by parts, but then I took the confidence. I learned a lot of vocabulary and how to work in a big group. Despite having a lot of people in my group, we could work in order and help each other.


 Through this great description of the house, the first thing I note is teamwork, this job allowed me to work in teams and develop the ability to respect and responsabildad with a group. On text seemed difficult at first but as I wrote before, working together and knowing evenly divide the responsibilities of making an easy job. 


One normal and nice on Greece were two octopuses spending a romantic moment on a fish tank. At the begining the owner of the octopuses took one of them and sent it in a bus for beeing sold and ate. The female ocopuse decided to recuperated her octopuse fiance and decided to followed the car where her octopuse fiance was carried for beeing sol and ate. She reached for her fiance ans started to hit the driver and fought for her love. The male  octopuse realized that his fiance was there and atarted to fought too. Then, both escaped  and became free, but when they were on a peg,  a seagull picked the female octopuse and flew away with her. But her fiance octopuse decided to recovered his girlfriend octopuse. Finally the octopuses fell down together in the sea and were free and happy until the end of their lives. 


In this paragraph it is a story of love and adventure, accomplish feel the attraction of writing, after writing a few paragraphs earlier in the class, it was in this that achieved for the first time feel the urge to write, I really liked doing this history, as it was based on a video that we like, but the main beauty of this creation of this paragraph was that was how we write the story.


Using sensory details 

*Fresh air       *Beautiful sigh      *Smell of flowers     *Nice temperature and atmosphere

I can feel all the pleasant things in spring season.  When we are in this season I can notice and feel how the atmosphere changes, everything is full of colors my nose smells pleasant aromas, birds's singing relaxes me, also the air is fresh and allows use of thin clothing. One of the things I like about this season is that you can go for a walk to the beach, park, shops, anywhere, as the weather is nice. I love how I feel in the spring, I feel more beautiful and younger.

                 Using examples

*Shopping         *Wear clothes          *Walk

 In spring season I can do a lot of entertaining things because the weather is perfect to do many things in the day, the week and the duration of the spring. To start the day I get up early and go for a walk around the park with my pet. In evenings I run along the beach and sometimes I swim in the sea and at night I go to share some time with my friends somewhere. The weekends are the best, with the flowers, the birds, the sun and the fresh air I can  buy some cute and light clothing. It is  the best of this season. I can combine all the colors and clothes that exists, not caring if it makes a lot of heat or very cold.

 Telling an incident

*September 21.        *Dad’s birthday          *Family time         *Delicious  food

One of the reasons that I like the spring, it is the birthday of my dad, spring starts with his ​​birthday on September, 21, I share with all my family, with my sisters and grandmother even with some neighbors too, is a day to celebrate and share beautiful moments with people that  I love, every single birthday we celebrate my dad's birthday with a delicious family dinner, consisting in delicious food prepared by my grandmother with her special and delicious ​​secrets of food, I can not love more another season than spring. Dad's birthday makes spring season the best ever for me.


 In these paragraphs, I had fun writing it, because I could realized the different aspects that can be highlighted in a script, and that each aspect has a different technique to write. In this creation of paragraphs understanding the difference between narrative, descriptive and explanatory way.